HUS: Those infected with COVID-19 can now report potentially infected people

A text message is sent to anyone who has received a positive COVID-19 test result. The message includes instructions to report any exposed persons in the service. The service is used in the HUS area in all municipalities except Helsinki. Helsinki has its own system for reporting exposures.

‘The information provided in the service is useful preliminary information for infection tracers and speeds up the traceability process. The service can be used to report any locations the infected person has visited, and to write the names and telephone numbers of the people who have been exposed, as well as any other information related to the exposure’, says Deputy Chief Physician Eeva Ruotsalainen.

When the data is registered before an infection tracer calls, the data can be reviewed together and supplemented as necessary. The infection tracer confirms the exposures.

Using the service requires strong identification with online banking credentials or a mobile certificate. It is also possible to use the service on behalf of another person.

The service is now available in Finnish. Swedish and English versions of the service will soon be opened. In addition to municipalities in the HUS area, the service can be introduced in the areas of Kymote, Eksote and Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital Districts.

The address of the service is



Last modified 13.09.2021