Nonstandard Hour Child Care

24-hour care is provided in the Kartano area in Nikkilä. Nonstandard hour child care means that the day care centre provides 24-hour care, also during evenings, nights, weekends and on mid-week holidays. Kartanon päiväkoti is the only day care centre providing nonstandard hour child care in Sipoo. The service is provided both in Finnish and in Swedish.

Do the following

Apply for a place in nonstandard hour child care in Kartano via eDaisy (link at the right hand column on this website).

For more information about applying for an ECEC place, please contact the placement coordinators responsible for northern Sipoo and southern Sipoo, respectively.

To whom and on what terms

You can apply for a place in night and weekend care for your child if you do shift work or evening study.

Night and weekend care in early childhood education and care may be given to a child who has not reached the age of compulsory education. Early childhood education and care may also be given to a child who has already reached the age of compulsory education if special circumstances so require and care cannot be otherwise arranged.

Fees carried out for nonstandard hour ECEC are determined according to valid ECEC client rates.

Basic information and legislation

A child may be provided with a place in night and weekend care when their parents or other guardians do shift work or evening study. In night and weekend care, the child participates in early childhood education and care, for example in the evenings, nights, weekends or on public and national holidays.

Night and weekend care in early childhood education and care is organised at a day-care centre or in family day care.