Open Early Childhood Education and Care – Club Activities

Open ECEC activities provide early childhood education and care for children in home care. Simultaneously, the services provide help and support for guardians taking care of their own children. The services are available in Finnish and in Swedish, and provided on each workday at different locations in Sipoo. At the club, children will get an opportunity to meet other children and make friends, learn how to cope in a group, and to take part in various activities. Club activities are led by ECEC teachers and day care workers.

Do the following

Playgroup Application

In order to receive a place in municipal clubs, you need to file an application. Application time to club activities starting in the following autumn takes place annually in April. The guardians are informed about granted places by the end of May. (Please note playgroup places are valid for one year only, and the application must be renewed annually.) Club applications are done online by filling in a digital form.

It is also possible to apply for a place in ongoing clubs also outside the initial application period.

To whom and on what terms

Clubs and Activities for Children Aged 2–5 Years

ECEC clubs and activities are intended for children over 2 years of age receiving home care. Clubs meet twice a week for children age of two years and three times a week for children three years or over. One session lasts about three hours. No meals are served at the club, but a small snack break is included in the activities. The children need to bring their own food. Club activities are organized according to school workdays and holidays. Guardians may visit the club to familiarise, when the child begins there.

Participation has no effect on child home care allowance paid by Kela.

Payment details

The service is chargeable

Client fees for municipal club activities is €30/term.

Basic information and legislation

Open early childhood education and care activities are intended especially for children who are in home care. Many types of activities support the well-being of children and families at open day-care centres and playgrounds and in clubs.

Clubs offer instructor-led and goal-oriented activities. Play, outdoor activities and spending time together in a safe environment are emphasised. For example, the children may be offered clubs focusing on exercise, cultural activities or nature study. In family clubs, the parents may also participate.

In addition to municipalities, actors such as parishes and NGOs organise clubs, camps and other activities for children and their parents. Some of these are intended for the whole family.