School Meals and Menus

Picture: Suvi Suovaara

Pupils and students have the right to receive meals for free during school days. The meals are provided by the municipality.

School lunches consist of:

  • Main course
  • Warm side dish (potato, pasta, rice, pearl barley)
  • Bread: crispbread, soft whole grain bread
  • Bread spread, vegetable fat based
  • Salad/grated or chunky greens with an oil-based dressing
  • Beverage: milk, sour milk or water.

School menus are published in the web for two weeks at a time.

Allergies and other diseases, ethical choices and religious diets are taken into notice when preparing the meals. One of the main courses is always vegetarian in schools . Once a week, the main course for all pupils is vegetarian.

Food Panel

The schools in Sipoo have so called food panels. Pupils in each school can in turn suggest new food related ideas, and taste new dishes and products to be introduced in the menus.

Do the following

School menus are published on the Sipoo eRuokalista (eMenu) website for three weeks at a time. You can open the menu from the "Menus" link (available in Finnish and Swedish).

Basic information and legislation

Children in both part-time and full-time early childhood education and care are entitled to meals and the necessary snacks, for which the parents pay in the monthly fee for the care. Pupils in pre-primary and basic education are entitled to a free school lunch provided by the municipality on school days. Students in general upper secondary education and vocational upper secondary education and training are entitled to a meal at least on those days when their instruction is provided at the school.

Small children’s, pupils’ and students’ allergies and other illnesses, ethical choices and special features of their religion are taken into account in the provision of meals in day-care centres and schools.